How to update resolution details: the Update Resource command

The Resolutions and Documents tables hold details of media files stored on a server. Situations may arise when the Resolutions / Documents table does not match the files on the server. The Update Resource facility may be used to rebuild the Resolutions / Documents tables based on the files found on the server. The process involves retrieving all files in the Multimedia records media directory and effectively adding them again to an empty list. All properties are calculated and set.

To update the Multimedia resource resolutions:

  1. Select one or more records in the Multimedia module.
  2. On the Multimedia tab of the Ribbon:

    Select Update>Current Record to update the current recordClosed The record currently displayed in Details View or highlighted in List View (there is a faint dotted line around it). It is only possible to have one current record at a time.


    Select Update>Selected Records to update the selected records.

    Note: If a record is locked by another user (because they are modifying it), the update will stop and ask what action is required (Abort, Ignore, Retry).

    The System retrieves all media and rebuilds the media table.

  3. If updating the current record, save it.